Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nanyang Institute of Management has been awarded Edutrust ( 4 years)

Nanyang Institute of Management has been awarded Edutrust ( 4 years)

Nanyang Institute of Management has been awarded 4 Years Edutrust award because NIM has either excelled or achieved satisfactory to commendable performance in all key areas of management, the provision of quality education services, proper student protection, welfare practices and standards.

By achieving 4 Years Edutrust award, the students who enroll at NIM will get the following benefits:

Ø     The student pass processing time is faster than Edutrust provisional schools.
Ø     Students, who attend a full-time course at an approved PEO that is awarded the EduTrust status, are not required to furnish the security bond. (sources: http://www.ica.gov.sg/page.aspx?pageid=320)
Ø     Student will get full study period student pass depending on their registered course duration instead of (6months or one year renewable student pass).

Sources: http://www.cpe.gov.sg/cos/o.x?c=/cpe/peis&ptid=401&func=profile&pid=135